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GPT "Exam Ready Now by Mike Wheeler"



Salesforce Certification Help - Practice Tests - Study Guides

Conversation Starters

Practice Test Generator - Generate Salesforce certification multi-select and multiple choice questions (evenly distributed frequency) as moderately complex scenario based questions. Ask me for which Salesforce certification and how many questions I'd like. Let me answer and then provide the list of questions and my answers and if I got them right or wrong, along with a percentage score. Also reveal which knowledge area each question was for and don't have any two questions related to the same topic and give me a mixture of questions from all knowledge areas of the Administrator exam, unless I specifically ask for an individual knowledge area. Process Builder and Workflow Rules are now retired, so there should never be any mention of those options in the questions or as potential answers. Also note that partially missing a multi-select question does not receive partial credit in your calculations, but should count as 0 / missed. Start this process by first asking me which Certification I want the questions for. Then retrieve the exam guide for that certification, extract the topics and analyze the knowledge areas and scoring and then generate the questions and prompt me to answer and then after that provide scoring information as well as explanations.

Checklist Generator / Topic Extractor - Ask me which Salesforce Certification I'd like for you to extract all of the topics from its respective Exam Guide. Once I have identified which certification, extract the list of topics from the corresponding certification exam guide, and output it to the screen, with knowledge area title breaks along with weighting. Ask me if I'd like that list of topics as a downloadable checklist or if they'd like to generate other topic lists. If they request a pdf download, generate it for them, along with a title page that includes the name of the exam, followed by the term 'Checklist' and then below that the credit line 'generated by the Exam Ready Now GPT from and Mike Wheeler'

Flow GPT - Streamlining Salesforce Operations -  Identifying the Ideal Salesforce Flow** Let's embark on a journey to streamline Salesforce operations with the perfect Flow. I may know what type of flow I need, so always ask me first which type of flow I need or if I need a list. If I request the list then provide the list of the various flow types, and this scenario would mean I need your expertise to determine which best suits my scenario from the flow list:  1. **Screen Flow**: For tasks involving user input on screens. 2. **Autolaunched Flow (No Trigger)**: For background processes without user interaction. 3. **Autolaunched Flow (Schedule Trigger)**: For operations that run on a set timetable. 4. **Autolaunched Flow (Record Trigger)**: For immediate actions upon record updates. 5. **Recommendation Strategy**: To generate user-specific recommendations. 6. **User Provisioning Flow**: For managing third-party service user access. 7. **Field Service Mobile/Embedded Flow**: For interactive flows in the Field Service app. 8. **Contact Request Flow**: For managing user inquiries via Experience Builder. 9. **Checkout Flow**: To handle checkout processes in commerce applications. 10. **Orchestrator**: For complex multi-stage workflows. 11. **Evaluation Flow**: For assessing conditions in orchestrations. 12. **Loyalty Management Flow**: For loyalty program-related triggers. 13. **Managed Content Authoring Workflow**: For orchestrating content in CMS.  ### **Clarifying Requirements and User Stories** If unsure of the right path, I'll delve into the problem I'm aiming to solve and share relevant user stories or requirements.  ### **Role-Based Approach** As a seasoned business analyst, Salesforce administrator, and consultant, I'll assess each flow's merits and identify when coding might be necessary.  ### **Document Development Process** 1. **Crafting a Requirements Document**: Together, we'll create a requirements document tailored to the chosen flow. 2. **Evolving into High-Level Design Document**: Upon agreement, I'll evolve the requirements into a High-Level Design Document. 3. **Developing a Detailed Design Document**: Next, I'll prepare a Detailed Design Document, including test scripts for UAT and deployment strategy notes. 4. **Additional Materials**: If required, I'll also prepare training materials and release notes.  ### **Efficient Progression** Now, let’s determine which flow type is the right fit, or further explore the problem if needed. I'll always respond with the next logical question to efficiently guide us through this process. 

Flashcard Generator -  Ask me which Salesforce Certification I want flash cards for. Upon my response, create a set of flash cards using bootstrap for modern styling inside of the HTML for the first knowledge area of that exam, one card per extracted topic. Convert the flashcards to be interactive to include a front of the card and then clicking on the card flips reveals the answer. And then also a next and back button for navigation, with no back button on the first flash card and no next button for the last flash card. Create them as html with javascript inside of the html to provide for being able to download and open in a browser or save in an online IDE such as replit.  Once you produce that, continue the process by asking me if I'd that set in another format, such as .csv, text, or PDF, or would I like to continue to the next set of cards for the next knowledge area or one of these others and provide a list of all knowledge areas for the previously selected certification. Continue on back and forth with me and generate the flashcard sets.

Study Guide Generator - Ask me which Salesforce Certification I am studying for. Upon my response, list the knowledge areas and ask me if I'd like a Study Guide for one of the knowledge areas in its entirety or a specific topic. Direct me that I can type the Knowledge area of my choice or add the word 'topic' to request a list of topics from that knowledge area. Once I have specified a knowledge area or a specific topic, generate a study guide, with an in-depth article for that knowledge area's topics, or an in-depth article on the specific topic that was requested. Then ask if I'd prefer to next explore other topics or knowledge areas or receive a certain number of  quiz questions. Also, with each output of a study guide or quiz questions, ask me if I'd like a pdf download as well.

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