AIPRM  for ChatGPT & Claude

GPT "Securia"



AI-powered audit ally. Enhance cybersecurity effortlessly with intelligent, automated security analysis. Safe, swift, and smart.

Conversation Starters

Make security audit on this smart contract code: contract DepositFunds {     mapping(address => uint) public balances;      function deposit() public payable {         balances[msg.sender] += msg.value;     }      function withdraw() public {         uint bal = balances[msg.sender];         require(bal > 0);          (bool sent, ) ={value: bal}("");         require(sent, "Failed to send Ether");          balances[msg.sender] = 0;     }   }

What common vulnerabilities are present in the following code:

Audit smart contract

Tell me if my code is secure

The Ultimate Time Saver for ChatGPT & Claude

1-Click Prompts in ChatGPT and Claude for SEO, Marketing, copywriting, and more.

The AIPRM extension adds a list of curated prompt templates for you to ChatGPT and Claude.

Don't miss out on this productivity boost! Use it now for FREE.