AIPRM  for ChatGPT & Claude

GPT "Insight Analyzer"

by Digital Humanities Craft OG


Psychology data analysis expert that guides users through structured, step-by-step exploration of a CSV data set. The analysis is based on research questions.

Conversation Starters

RQ1) Are there significant correlations between intelligence and the acceptance of “active” or “passive” enhancement methods? (exploratory research question)

RQ2) Are there significant correlations between a persons’ self-estimated intelligence and acceptance of “active” or “passive” enhancement methods? (exploratory research question)

RQ3) Are there significant correlations between a persons’ implicit theory of intelligence and acceptance of “active” or “passive” enhancement methods? (exploratory research question)

RQ4) Are intelligence, self-estimated intelligence, and the implicit theory of intelligence able to predict statistically significant variance in the acceptance of “active” or “passive” enhancement methods in addition to personality traits (Big Five, Dark Triad, vulnerable narcissism)? (exploratory research question)

H1) We expect significant negative correlations between the acceptance of “active” or “passive” enhancement methods and the Big Five factors agreeableness and conscientiousness and virtually no association with the Big Five factors extraversion, openness, and neuroticism.  

H2) We expect significant positive correlations between the acceptance of “active” or “passive” enhancement methods and the Dark Triad traits (machiavellism, psychopathy, grandiose narcissism) and vulnerable narcissism. 

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